The project titled “Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation for Agro-Pastoral Communities in Kongwa District” was initiated on October 12, 2021. It is being implemented by the National Environment Management Council (NEMC), accredited as a National Implementing Entity (NIE) by the Adaptation Fund (AF), the project’s funding body. The execution of the project is undertaken by the Foundation for Energy Climate and Environment (FECE) in partnership with Kongwa District Council. The primary aim of the project is to enhance climate change adaptation strategies for agro-pastoral communities in Kongwa District, ultimately bolstering their resilience to environmental challenges.
This is a 3-year project (2021-2024) funded by Adaptation Fund with the following objectives:
Enhancing climate resilient rural water supply system in vulnerable agro-pastoral communities at Mtanana and Ugogoni wards
Transformation of exploitive agro-pastoral practices to diversified climate smart and sustainable livelihoods
Improving ecological functions to sustain climate sensitive livelihoods in Kongwa District
Strengthening capacities of institutions, extension services and trainers to reduce risks associated with climate- induced livelihood failures in Kongwa district
Implementation Status as Per Components
A. Component one:
To enhance climate resilient rural water supply system in vulnerable agro-pastoral
communities at Mtanana and Ugogoni wards. The following are a list of activities implemented;
B. Components two:
Support transformation of exploitive agro-pastoral practices to diversified climate smart and
sustainable livelihoods.
C. Components three:
Improve ecological functions to sustain climate sensitive rural livelihoods at Mtanana and
Ugogoni wards and in selected rural communities of Kongwa district.
D. Component four:
Strengthen capacities of institutions, extension services and trainers to reduce risks associated
with climate- induced livelihood failures.